Working in the Gig Economy: How to Thrive and Succeed When You Choose to Work for Yourself

  • 5h 24m 30s
  • Thomas Oppong
  • Kogan Page
  • 2019

There are new flexible and independent working opportunities available in the gig economy for those brave enough to seize them. It is estimated that the number people involved with the gig economy will double in the next four years. New generation workers are realizing that they can break the chains of corporate work and go at it alone. With flexible working hours, fluid work arrangements, and technology that they can leverage to their advantage, people are creating purposeful careers that fit in with their lives, not the other way around. Working in the Gig Economy is the ultimate guide to successfully navigating the new flexible world of work. This is a book that will allow you to really examine the possibilities of freelance and flexible working. Is it really for you? Do you have what it takes to stay motivated, get clients to hire you, and achieve that long-yearned for work-life balance?

Thomas Oppong is an expert in entrepreneurship and the gig economy. With this book, he takes listeners through the main pitfalls of working for themselves, including how to stay productive, how to manage your professional network, build a personal brand, and crucially how to keep the work coming and get paid on time. Working in the Gig Economy is the essential guide to having a successful and fulfilling career in the gig economy.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - The Emergence and Evolution of the Gig Economy
  • Chapter 2 - Jobs of the Future and the Portfolio Career
  • Chapter 3 - How to Build Your Independent Brand and Strengthen Your Reputation as a Gig Worker
  • Chapter 4 - Finding Work in the Gig Economy
  • Chapter 5 - Saying No to Freelance Work
  • Chapter 6 - Getting Real Work Done and Staying Productive
  • Chapter 7 - Managing Your Finances
  • Chapter 8 - Building a Pipeline of Work
  • Chapter 9 - Managing Your Clients
  • Chapter 10 - Leveraging Online Platforms for Gig Work
  • Chapter 11 - Overcoming the Fears of Freelancing
  • Chapter 12 - Success Stories of Independent Contractors
  • Chapter 13 - The Future of the Gig Economy