Why Customers Leave (and How to Win Them Back): 24 Reasons People are Leaving You for Competitors, and How to Win Them Back

  • 5h 24m 40s
  • David Avrin
  • Brilliance Publishing
  • 2019
This audio edition makes a compelling case for customer experience as a bankable differentiator in an era of vast marketplace choices. Read by the author.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - Stop Telling Us No
  • Chapter 2 - Don't Fake it Until You Make it
  • Chapter 3 - Automation Kills Loyalty
  • Chapter 4 - Don't Close—Ever
  • Chapter 5 - Don't Be Hard to Reach
  • Chapter 6 - Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me it's Raining
  • Chapter 7 - We Don't Want to Do Business Your Way
  • Chapter 8 - Don't Punish Everyone for the Actions of a Few
  • Chapter 9 - Fix Your Dysfunctional Website
  • Chapter 10 - You Get One Chance, So Don't Blow it
  • Chapter 11 - It's Not What You Want to Say, It's What We Want to Hear
  • Chapter 12 - My Call is Not Very Important to You
  • Chapter 13 - Don't Treat Me Like You Want to Be Treated
  • Chapter 14 - Don't Pass the Buck (and Don't Throw Coworkers Under the Bus)
  • Chapter 15 - Stop Making Us Do Your Work
  • Chapter 16 - Your Stalking is Creeping Us Out
  • Chapter 17 - Avoid the Sin of Omission
  • Chapter 18 - Your Management Fails to Manage
  • Chapter 19 - Show Us That You Care About Your Business
  • Chapter 20 - Stop Wasting Our Time
  • Chapter 21 - Stop Being Cheap
  • Chapter 22 - Don't Take Us for Granted
  • Chapter 23 - Being Good is No Longer Good Enough