The Prince: History's Greatest Guide to Attaining and Keeping Power

  • 1h 31m 19s
  • Mitch Horowitz, Niccolò Machiavelli
  • G&D Media
  • 2019

Here is history’s greatest guide to personal power and mastery of your environment, abridged and introduced by PEN award-winning historian and New Thought voice Mitch Horowitz. The full lessons of Machiavelli’s The Prince are now available to you in a single sitting. The book’s effectiveness is maximized by Mitch’s new introduction, which places this blueprint to power in context. Also included is a collection of Machiavelli’s most practical maxims for quick reference.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 On Acquiring a New Kingdom
  • Chapter 2 Against Occupation
  • Chapter 3 The Example of Alexander the Great
  • Chapter 4 How to Control Formerly Independent Territories
  • Chapter 5 When a Prince Conquers by Merit
  • Chapter 6 When a Prince Conquers with Help of Others or by Luck
  • Chapter 7 When a Prince Conquers by Crime
  • Chapter 8 When a Prince Rules by Popular Consent
  • Chapter 9 How the Strength of Princedoms Should Be Measured
  • Chapter 10 Of Soldiers and Mercenaries
  • Chapter 11 The Prince and Military Affairs
  • Chapter 12 Better to Be Loved or Feared?
  • Chapter 13 Truth and Deception
  • Chapter 14 How to Avert a Conspiracies
  • Chapter 15 How a Prince Should Defend Himself
  • Chapter 16 How a Prince Should Preserve His Reputation
  • Chapter 17 A Prince's Court
  • Chapter 18 Flatterers Should Be Shunned
  • Chapter 19 The Role of Fortune