The Orange Line: A Woman's Guide to Integrating Career, Family and Life

  • 8h 27m 31s
  • Jodi Ecker Detjen, Kelly Watson, Michelle Waters
  • Gildan Media
  • 2013

Why do women find work-life balance so hard? Why is having it all such an illusive quest? Why haven’t women achieved equality yet in the leadership ranks?

Through interviews with 118 college-educated women, they document the varied career stories and day-to-day anecdotes in the ongoing work-life struggle.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter One: Introducing The Orange Line™
  • Chapter Two: The Feminine Filter™
  • Chapter Three: The Feminine Filter Problem
  • Chapter Four: The Green Start
  • Chapter Five: Approaching Burnout
  • Chapter Six: Family Matters
  • Chapter Seven: The Sabbatical
  • Chapter Eight: Re-entry
  • Chapter Nine: The Mid-Career Transition
  • Chapter Ten: Living The Orange Line