The Leadership Contract: The Fine Print to Becoming an Accountable Leader, Third Edition

  • 8h 55m 22s
  • Vince Molinaro
  • Gildan Media
  • 2019

Step up, get tough, and commit to your decision to lead.

The Leadership Contract provides the manual that leaders around the world need. With only seven percent of employees feeling confident in senior leadership, the problem is evident: disappointing, and often disgraceful leaders. Employees deserve better than that; organizations need better than that - and this book provides a robust framework for stepping up and making the decision to lead. This new third edition has been updated, featuring a new foreword by Adecco CEO Alain Dehaze, new findings from the Global Leadership Accountability Study, and more insights to help you chart your own path to build strong leadership accountability at a personal and organizational level.

Great leadership doesn't happen by accident. It's more than just being in charge; it's a decision, an obligation, and potentially your legacy. Mediocre is no longer good enough - in today's business climate, organizations need stellar leadership. If you're not exceptional, step up or step aside - this book helps you toughen up and put your commitment to great leadership in writing for yourself as much as everyone else.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - My Personal Leadership Story
  • Chapter 2 - What's Wrong with Leadership Today?
  • Chapter 3 - The Leadership Accountability Gap
  • Chapter 4 - Why We Need a Leadership Contract
  • Chapter 5 - Leadership is a Decision—Make it
  • Chapter 6 - Leadership is an Obligation—Step up
  • Chapter 7 - Leadership is Hard Work—Get Tough
  • Chapter 8 - Leadership is a Community—Connect
  • Chapter 9 - Sign the Leadership Contract
  • Chapter 10 - The Turning Points of Leadership
  • Chapter 11 - Living the Four Terms of the Leadership Contract
  • Chapter 12 - Embed the Leadership Contract in Your Organization