Spiraling Upward: The 5 Co-Creative Powers for Women on the Rise

  • 8h 16m 9s
  • Wendy Wallbridge
  • Gildan Media
  • 2015

Women comprise 51 percent of the world’s population, make up over half of the workforce, and control 85 percent of consumer decisions. It’s estimated that two-thirds of the nation’s wealth will be in women’s hands by 2030. Never before have women been so degreed or so represented as decision-makers in all areas of influence. Why, then, are women withdrawing from leadership positions in unprecedented numbers? Why has the tally of women in middle management reached a plateau?

In this Audiobook

  • 1 Why Spiral Up?
  • 2 Choosing the Spiral Up Path
  • 3 Take Charge of Your Energy: The Co-Creative Power of Energy
  • 4 Author Your Thoughts: The Co-Creative Power of Mind
  • 5 Awaken the Wisdom of Your Heart: The Co-Creative Power of Feelings
  • 6 Architect a Juicy Life with Words of Plenty: The Co-Creative Power of Speech
  • 7 Be True to Your Soul's Intent: The Co-Creative Power of Action
  • 8 Become a Wide Receiver: The Co-Creative Power of Energy
  • 9 Untie Your Limiting kNOTS: The Co-Creative Power of Mind
  • 10 Trust in Your Awes and Ows: The Co-Creative Power of Feelings
  • 11 Free Your Voice to Live Our Loud: The Co-Creative Power of Speech
  • 12 Harness the Grace of Wise Effort: The Co-Creative Power of Action
  • 13 Unleash the Power of Your Passion: The Co-Creative Power of Energy
  • 14 Let Your Divine Mind Inspire You to Greatness: The Co-Creative Power of Mind
  • 15 The Radical Riches of Relatedness: The Co-Creative Power of Feelings
  • 16 Create New Worlds with Your Heartfelt Words: The Co-Creative Power of Speech
  • 17 You Can Save and Savor the World: The Co-Creative Power of Action