R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R, Second Edition

  • 14h 2m 46s
  • Robert Kabacoff
  • Manning Publications
  • 2018

R in Action, Second Edition teaches you how to use the R language by presenting examples relevant to scientific, technical, and business developers. Focusing on practical solutions, the book offers a crash course in statistics, including elegant methods for dealing with messy and incomplete data. You'll also master R's extensive graphical capabilities for exploring and presenting data visually. And this expanded second edition includes new chapters on forecasting, data mining, and dynamic report writing.

About the technology:

Business pros and researchers thrive on data, and R speaks the language of data analysis. R is a powerful programming language for statistical computing. Unlike general-purpose tools, R provides thousands of modules for solving just about any data-crunching or presentation challenge you're likely to face. R runs on all important platforms and is used by thousands of major corporations and institutions worldwide.

This audiobook includes:

  • Complete R language tutorial
  • Using R to manage, analyze, and visualize data
  • Techniques for debugging programs and creating packages
  • OOP in R
  • More than 160 graphs

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - Introduction to R
  • Chapter 2 - Creating a Dataset
  • Chapter 3 - Getting Started with Graphs
  • Chapter 4 - Basic Data Management
  • Chapter 5 - Advanced Data Management
  • Chapter 6 - Basic Graphs
  • Chapter 7 - Basic Statistics
  • Chapter 8 - Regression
  • Chapter 9 - Analysis of Variance
  • Chapter 10 - Power Analysis
  • Chapter 11 - Intermediate Graphs
  • Chapter 12 - Resampling Statistics and Bootstrapping
  • Chapter 13 - Generalized Linear Models
  • Chapter 14 - Principal Components and Factor Analysis
  • Chapter 15 - Time Series
  • Chapter 16 - Cluster Analysis
  • Chapter 17 - Classification
  • Chapter 18 - Advanced Methods for Missing Data
  • Chapter 19 - Advanced Graphics with ggplot2
  • Chapter 20 - Advanced Programming
  • Chapter 21 - Creating a Package
  • Chapter 22 - Creating Dynamic Reports