MIT Sloan Management Review Article on "Out-Getting" Is the Next Great Baseball Strategy. Or Not.
- 31m 54s
- Ben Shields, Paul Michelman
- MIT Sloan Management Review
- 2019
Most Counterpoints listeners are well familiar with the sweeping changes that Moneyball brought to offensive strategy in baseball. Are we now on the cusp of a similarly profound transformation of pitching? Some believe the practice of out-getting is just that. Out-getting focuses on getting outs as efficiently as possible, regardless of who gets them, when, and how. It upends traditional convention about how long or frequently a pitcher should pitch, in which role, or in which circumstances. Will out-getting prove to be a Moneyball-level transformation that ushers in fundamental change — or just an occasional strategy deployed as much by desperation as by tactical brilliance? Ben and Paul disagree.
In this Audiobook
"Out-Getting" Is the Next Great Baseball Strategy. Or Not.