Looking Up: How a Different Perspective Turns Obstacles Into Advantages
- 5h 53m 25s
- Michele Sullivan
- HarperCollins Leadership
- 2020
We’ve all had moments of feeling like we didn’t belong, but imagine being born into a world where fitting in was never an option. Michele Sullivan, who has a rare form of dwarfism, shares how her physical posture taught her the most effective relational posture with others, which helped her become one of the most powerful women in philanthropy.
Born with a rare form of dwarfism, Michele has spent her life looking up. As the first female president of the Caterpillar Foundation, she has used her unique point of view to impact countless lives around the world.
As a child, Michele realized she had a choice to make. A life-changing choice.
- She could tailor her differences into something more suitable for the world.
- She could hide from the world and live on the fringe.
- Or, she could embrace her differences, turn them into assets, and come to recognize that there was a strength within them that could help others.
She chose the third option.
Looking Up is the story of how Michele became the smallest woman at the largest earth-moving manufacturer in the world. Her story begins with her passage from a young person who, in spite of being looked down upon by others, learned to look up: to find an elevated view of others that would change the course of millions of lives.
While her height has presented challenges that are different from those most have experienced (containing some uniquely humorous moments as well), it has allowed her to see things, literally and figuratively, that others do not. Embedded in this narrative are unique takeaways for individuals about the importance of making the first move, being wrong at first, choosing intimacy over influence, and learning that asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. Looking Up is poised to be an inspiring nonfiction work full of heartfelt lessons that will resonate with individuals in their lives and at work.
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1 - Two Kinds of Growth
Chapter 2 - There is No Such Thing as Knowledge at First Sight
Chapter 3 - Seeing others Takes Sacrifice
Chapter 4 - The Value of Being Wrong—at First
Chapter 5 - Letting Down Your Guard
Chapter 6 - Make the First Move
Chapter 7 - Asking for Help is a Strength, Not a Weakness
Chapter 8 - Choose Intimacy over Influence
Chapter 9 - A New Line of Sight
Chapter 10 - The Real Measure of Impact