Leadership by the Book: Tools to Transform Your Workplace

  • 1h 42m 4s
  • Bill Hybels, Kenneth Blanchard, Phil Hodges
  • The Random House Audio Publishing Group
  • 1999

Best-selling authors Kenneth Blanchard, Bill Hybels, and Phil Hodges offer a unique, compelling, and paradigm-shifting model that effectively interweaves successful leadership methods with character development principles based on the teachings of history's most influential leader, Jesus Christ. Told in the parable format of The One Minute Manager and Raving Fans, Leadership by the Book offers unexpected and exceptional answers to crucial leadership issues today - helping leaders in all walks of life to fulfill their calling and help others do the same.

In this Audiobook

  • 1. The Heartbreak
  • 2. The Professor
  • 3. Michael
  • 4. The Minister
  • 5. The Commissioning
  • 6. Effective Leadership Starts on the Inside
  • 7. Iron Sharpens Iron
  • 8. Synergy
  • 9. Spiritual Significance Versus Earthly Success
  • 10. The Heart of the Matter
  • 11. The Awakening
  • 12. The Recovery
  • 13. The Retreat
  • 14. A Choice
  • 15. Checking the Heart
  • 16. Clearing the Head
  • 17. Leadership Begins with a Clear Vision
  • 18. If You Want Your People to Be Responsible, You Must Be Responsive
  • 19. The Servant Leader as a Performance Coach
  • 20. Guiding the Hands
  • 21. The Return of the Servant Leader