Innovation You: Four Steps to Becoming New and Improved

  • 6h 36m 4s
  • Jeff DeGraff
  • The Random House Audio Publishing Group
  • 2011

In today's frenetic, uncertain world, the "same old, same old" routines are perfect ways to go nowhere fast. What has worked for you before - professionally or personally - no longer gets results. Whether you've been downsized, reached the end of a long relationship, or found yourself questioning where you are in life, it's clear you need to change. To innovate. Make it new. Make yourself new. Now, in Innovation You, the world-renowned "Dean of Innovation," Jeff DeGraff, shares his tried-and-true techniques on how to reinvent yourself - creatively and with maximum impact.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1: Creative Eyes
  • Chapter 2: There is No Data on the Future, Where We Grow?
  • Chapter 3: You are Not the Weather
  • Chapter 4: We Grow When Our Life Sucks—Or When We're on a Roll
  • Chapter 5: Light Your Fire Where the Sparks of Diversity Fly
  • Chapter 6: The Cavalry isn't Coming
  • Chapter 7: Ride What Moves
  • Chapter 8: Efficiency Can Kill You—The 20–80 Rule
  • Chapter 9: Think around the Colors
  • Chapter 10: Stack the Russian Nesting Dolls
  • Chapter 11: How You Innovate is What You Innovate
  • Chapter 12: The Most Powerful Approach to Innovation
  • Chapter 13: Create Capacity—Empty the Bag
  • Chapter 14: Avoid the Negative Zone
  • Chapter 15: Commit to Experiment
  • Chapter 16: Hedge Now, Optimize Later
  • Chapter 17: Deconstruct to Reconstruct
  • Chapter 18: Set High-Quality Targets
  • Chapter 19: Enlist Deep and Diverse Domain Expertise
  • Chapter 20: Apprentice the Sorcerer
  • Chapter 21: Master So Do to
  • Chapter 22: Take Multiple Shots on Goal
  • Chapter 23: Fail Early, Fail Often, Fail Off-Broadway
  • Chapter 24: Show, Don't Tell
  • Chapter 25: You are the Star Only in Your Own Movie
  • Chapter 26: The Mongolian Barbeque Effect
  • Chapter 27: Hide inside Trojan Horses
  • Chapter 28: Learn from Experience and Experiments
  • Chapter 29: When Nothing Seems to Work
  • Chapter 30: Think in Terms of Cycles, Not Lines
  • Chapter 31: Welcome Creative Destruction
  • Chapter 32: Watch for the Off-Ramps and On-Ramps
  • Chapter 33: We All Hate Change
  • Chapter 34: Build a Portfolio Life
  • Chapter 35: Expect Resistance
  • Chapter 36: The Gift