How to Become a Better Negotiator, Abridged Edition

  • 8h 50m 26s
  • James G. Patterson, Richard A. Luecke
  • Brilliance Publishing
  • 2008

Whether it's at home or at work, so much of our lives involves negotiating to get what we want. From negotiating a higher salary, to lowering costs from suppliers, to hammering out a new contract with a major customer, or even deciding where to go on vacation, the only way to consistently arrive at successful conclusions is to master the art of negotiation.

Updated with completely new tactics and strategies, How to Become a Better Negotiator lets listeners in on the same high-level skills that experienced negotiators use. The book covers such important topics as listening, assertiveness, and how to deal with hostile opponents.

In this Audiobook

  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 - Win-Lose or Win-Win
  • Chapter 2 - Three Indispensable Concepts
  • Chapter 3 - Communication Styles
  • Chapter 4 - Listening as a Primary Negotiating Skill
  • Chapter 5 - Managing Conflict
  • Chapter 6 - The Importance of Assertiveness
  • Chapter 7 - Prepare to Negotiate
  • Chapter 8 - Doing the Deal
  • Chapter 9 - Common Pitfalls
  • Preface to the Second Edition
  • Chapter 1 - Getting Started
  • Chapter 2 - Potential Obstacles to Reaching Your Goals
  • Chapter 3 - Eleven Strategies to Optimize Reaching Your Goals
  • Chapter 4 - Assertive Behavior
  • Chapter 5 - Changing People's Behavior
  • Chapter 6 - Setting Priorities
  • Chapter 7 - Planning
  • Chapter 8 - Delegating
  • Chapter 9 - Time Management
  • Chapter 10 - Getting Help in Reaching Your Goals
  • Chapter 11 - Getting the Power to Get Things Done
  • Chapter 12 - Project Management for Goal Achievers
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 - How Difficult are You?
  • Chapter 2 - Stop, Look, and Listen
  • Chapter 3 - Maximizing Your Power
  • Chapter 4 - It's Not (Always) Personal—It's (Often) Business
  • Chapter 5 - Planning Your Strategy
  • Chapter 6 - Working with Difficult Superiors
  • Chapter 7 - Working with Difficult Subordinates
  • Chapter 8 - Corporate Culture and Difficult People
  • Chapter 9 - Mean and Angry
  • Chapter 10 - Suspicious
  • Chapter 11 - Pessimistic
  • Chapter 12 - Cynical
  • Chapter 13 - Shy and Quiet
  • Chapter 14 - Narcissistic
  • Chapter 15 - Extremely Competitive
  • Chapter 16 - Overcontrolling
  • Chapter 17 - Overly Flattering
  • Chapter 18 - Lessons: Handling All Kinds of Difficult People