FRICTION: The Untapped Force That Can Be Your Most Powerful Advantage

  • 9h 51m 52s
  • Roger Dooley
  • Recorded Books, Inc.
  • 2019

In 2016, $4.6 trillion of merchandise was left in abandoned e-commerce shopping carts.

Every year, the US economy loses $3 trillion in productivity due to excess bureaucracy.

Red tape and over-complicated licenses have contributed to China's GDP exceeding India's by $82 trillion over the span of just three decades.

If you're a business leader, these statistics should give you nightmares. According to science-based marketing and business expert Roger Dooley, they illustrate the real and growing threat of "friction", which he defines as the unnecessary expenditure of time, effort, or money in performing a task.

In today's high-speed, customer-empowered world, the levels of swiftness and efficiency of business transactions will determine ultimate success or failure. In this groundbreaking guide, Dooley helps you spot the inevitable points of friction in your organization, and he provides the tools and insight you need to eliminate them.

Combining scientific research with real-life examples of leaders who have conquered business friction, Dooley teaches you how to identify roadblocks, alter them for the benefit of both business and customer, and create positive, lasting change.

If you're in a leadership position, now is the time to declare war on friction - before your competitors do. Stamp out ridiculous rules, pointless procedures, and meaningless meetings. Become a relentless advocate for the customer and for minimizing customer effort. Lubricate every point of friction and make your company run like a well-oiled machine.

Friction provides the know-how you need to lead your company to industry dominance.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - The Friction Evangelist
  • Chapter 2 - Retail Disruption—Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
  • Chapter 3 - Transportation Disruption
  • Chapter 4 - Digital Disruption
  • Chapter 5 - The Science of Friction
  • Chapter 6 - Decision Friction
  • Chapter 7 - Customer Experience and Friction
  • Chapter 8 - Technology Friction
  • Chapter 9 - Friction within Your Business
  • Chapter 10 - A World of Friction
  • Chapter 11 - Bureaucrats and Red Tape Warriors
  • Chapter 12 - Taxes and Beyond
  • Chapter 13 - Habits and Productivity
  • Chapter 14 - Friction Design
  • Chapter 15 - Nonprofit Friction
  • Chapter 16 - Friction Everywhere