Diversity Training That Generates Real Change: Inclusive Approaches That Benefit Individuals, Business, and Society

  • 5h 34m 15s
  • James O. Rodgers, Laura L. Kangas
  • Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  • 2022

This complete guide to effective, transformative diversity training provides an answer to the superficial, check-the-box DEI efforts that are undermining the entire field.

DEI work is getting a bad reputation. But that's because it's not being done right, say veteran diversity consultants James O. Rodgers and Laura Kangas. Too many organizations are treating diversity training as a quick-hit, low-cost, check-the-box activity.

Effective diversity training involves behavioral change based on adult learning theory. It is rigorous, deeply personal, experience based, and, if done well, life changing. Rodgers and Kangas offer a complete guide, from design to implementation to results. They show how to

  • determine what specific, tangible outcomes an organization wants before it starts
  • link diversity training to overall organizational strategy
  • help all participants forge an individual, emotional connection to the training
  • identify what skills a facilitator needs—the right facilitator makes all the difference
  • create memorable learning experiences, not simply educational programs

The authors' goal is nothing less than to spark a worldwide revolution of informed practitioners, employees, and business leaders who will demand diversity training be given the same time, resources, and attention as any other critical enterprise initiative.

About the Author

Dr. James O. Rodgers is president and principal consultant of the Diversity Coach. His clients include organizations like Howard University, AT&T, Prudential, IBM, Shell, Pfizer, Coca-Cola, Pizza Hut, the CIA, and Society for Human Resource Management. He is a fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants and is the coauthor of Managing Differently: Getting 100% from 100% of Your People 100% of the Time.

Laura L. Kangas is the founder and director of RiverBend Associates and is a global organizational and employee development consultant, workshop and program designer, facilitator, speaker, and writer. For over twenty-five years, she has been collaboratively developing strategy and leading programs in diversity, equity, and inclusion and other areas of employee and management development.

In this Audiobook

  • Introduction: What Generates Real Change
  • Chapter 1 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: What’s Training Got to Do with It?
  • Chapter 2 - Begin with the End-Know Your Why
  • Chapter 3 - Connect DEI Training to All Aspects of Business Strategy
  • Chapter 4 - Adult Learning: People Hate Being Told How to Think
  • Chapter 5 - Creating Safe Space
  • Chapter 6 - Engaging Your Audience
  • Chapter 7 - Experiment-Expect-Examine. Confirm That It Works
  • Chapter 8 - It Could Happen to Any of Us
  • Conclusion: Start, Restart, or Recover: But Get on Track!