Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

  • 9h 17m 30s
  • John Perkins
  • Blackstone Audio, Inc. dba Blackstone Publishing
  • 2005
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - An Economic Hit Man is Born
  • Chapter 2 - “In for Life”
  • Chapter 3 - Indonesia: Lessons for an EHM
  • Chapter 4 - Saving a Country from Communism
  • Chapter 5 - Selling My Soul
  • Chapter 6 - My Role as Inquisitor
  • Chapter 7 - Civilization on Trial
  • Chapter 8 - Jesus, Seen Differently
  • Chapter 9 - Opportunity of a Lifetime
  • Chapter 10 - Panama's President and Hero
  • Chapter 11 - Pirates in the Canal Zone
  • Chapter 12 - Soldiers and Prostitutes
  • Chapter 13 - Conversations with the General
  • Chapter 14 - Entering a New and Sinister Period in Economic History
  • Chapter 15 - The Saudi Arabian Money-laundering Affair
  • Chapter 16 - Pimping, and Financing Osama bin Laden
  • Chapter 17 - Panama Canal Negotiations and Graham Greene
  • Chapter 18 - Iran's King of Kings
  • Chapter 19 - Confessions of a Tortured Man
  • Chapter 20 - The Fall of a King
  • Chapter 21 - Colombia: Keystone of Latin America
  • Chapter 22 - American Republic Versus Global Empire
  • Chapter 23 - The Deceptive Résumé
  • Chapter 24 - Ecuador's President Battles Big Oil
  • Chapter 25 - I Quit
  • Chapter 26 - Ecuador's Presidential Death
  • Chapter 27 - Panama: Another Presidential Death
  • Chapter 28 - My Energy Company, Enron, and George W. Bush
  • Chapter 29 - I Take a Bribe
  • Chapter 30 - The United States Invades Panama
  • Chapter 31 - An EHM Failure in Iraq
  • Chapter 32 - September 11 and its Aftermath for Me, Personally
  • Chapter 33 - Venezuela: Saved by Saddam
  • Chapter 34 - Ecuador Revisited
  • Chapter 35 - Piercing the Veneer