Career Advantage: Real World Applications from Great Work, Great Career

  • 1h 41m 3s
  • Jennifer Colosimo, Stephen R. Covey
  • Franklin Covey
  • 2011

Career Advantage teaches you how to create your ultimate job and make an extraordinary contribution:

  • Learn the importance of becoming a solution, not a problem to an organization. Discover how to start making the contribution you’d like to make by focusing on your talents, passion, and conscience.
  • Learn elements to help you create an effective resume.
  • Learn the main elements to help you with your interview skills. Discover how to bypass the application runaround and get an interview with the right person. Learn ideas for a successful job interview. Practice giving quality answers to interview questions and examine different types of interviews and how to best prepare. Finally, learn how to effectively follow up.

In this Audiobook

  • How to Build a Great Career—A Career Advantage
  • Résumé Advantage
  • Interview Advantage