Breaking Through 'Bitch:' How Women Can Shatter Stereotypes and Lead Fearlessly

  • 4h 36m 20s
  • Carol Vallone Mitchell
  • Brilliance Publishing
  • 2015

When a man strongly asserts his point of view and autonomy, he is hailed as a strong, competent leader. When a woman exhibits the same executive qualities, she is labeled a brusque, overbearing bitch. This is not really news anymore, is it? Yet these unfair perceptions are a key reason why only five percent of Fortune 500 company CEOs are women.

How can women leaders break through that brick wall of “bitch?” How can they manage gender expectations and still successfully climb the corporate ladder?

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 What's Sex Got to Do With It: The Impact of Stereotypes
  • Chapter 2: How to Look Like a “Bitch” Without Even Trying: A Case Study
  • Chapter 3: Women's Road Map for Leadership: A Primer
  • Chapter 4: Step Up and Hit it Out of the Park: Confidence and Achievement Drive
  • Chapter 5: Win Them Over: Influence
  • Chapter 6: Tell the Story: Conceptual Thinking
  • Chapter 7: Navigate the Terrain: Cultural and Political Savvy
  • Chapter 8: Make Them Comfortable: Tempering Assertiveness
  • Chapter 9: Plan Your Route: Self-Development Savvy
  • Chapter 10: Helping Women Break Through the Barrier
  • Chapter 11: What's Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander