Being the Boss: The 3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader
- 8h 18m 16s
- Kent Lineback, Linda A. Hill
- Gildan Media
- 2011
You never dreamed being the boss would be so hard. You're caught in a web of conflicting expectations from subordinates, your supervisor, peers, and customers. You're not alone.
As Linda Hill and Kent Lineback reveal in Being the Boss, becoming an effective manager is a painful, difficult journey. It's trial and error, endless effort, and slowly acquired personal insight. Many managers never complete the journey. At best, they just learn to get by. At worst, they become terrible bosses.
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1: Your 3 Imperatives as a Manager
Chapter 2: I'm The Boss!
Chapter 3: I'm Your Friend!
Chapter 4: Can People Trust You?
Part One Summary
Chapter 5: Understand the Reality of Your Organization
Chapter 6: Weave Your Own Web of Influence
Chapter 7: Don't Forget Your Boss
Part Two Summary
Chapter 8: Define the Future
Chapter 9: Be Clear About How Your Team Works
Chapter 10: Your Team Members Are Individuals Too
Chapter 11: Manage Through Your Daily Work
Part Three Summary
Chapter 12: Completing Your Journey
Developing the Leader Within You