AI and Genius Machines

  • 7h 58m 14s
  • Scientific American
  • Blackstone Audio, Inc. dba Blackstone Publishing
  • 2020

In science fiction, artificial intelligence takes the shape of computers that can speak like people, think for themselves, and sometimes act against us. Reality of course is vastly different, though in many ways computers surpass their fictional counterparts. This book reviews work in the field and covers topics from chess-playing to quantum computing. The writers tackle how to make computers more powerful, how we define consciousness, what the hard problems are, and even how computers might be built once the limits of silicon chips have been reached.

In this Audiobook

  • The Next 20 Years of Microchips by The Editors
  • How to Build a Hypercomputer by Thomas Sterling
  • The Do-it-Yourself Supercomputer by William W. Hargrove, Forrest M. Hoffman, and Thomas Sterling
  • The Grid: Computing without Bounds by Ian Foster
  • Artificial Intelligence by Marvin L. Minsky
  • A Test for Consciousness by Christof Koch and Giulio Tononi
  • Electric Thoughts by Yvonne Raley
  • Machine Self-Awareness by Larry Greenemeier
  • Machines That Think for Themselves by Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa
  • A Chip That Thinks Like a Brain by Christopher Mims
  • Quantum Computing with Molecules by Neil Gershenfeld and Isaac L. Chuang
  • Optical Neural Computers by Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa and Demetri Psaltis
  • Rise of the Robo Scientists by Ross D. King
  • My Date with a Robot by Robert Epstein
  • Robot Be Good by Michael Anderson and Susan Leigh Anderson
  • Where are the Talking Robots? by Joshua K. Hartshorne
  • The Elusive Goal of Machine Translation by Gary Stix
  • A Grandmaster Chess Machine by Feng-hsiung Hsu, Thomas Anantharaman, Murray Campbell and Andreas Nowatzyk
  • The Machine That Would Predict the Future by David Weinberger
  • The Limits of Quantum Computers by Scott Aaronson